Reading: Story of a Soul - St. Therese of Lisieux.
Watching: Numerous Hitchcock and Agatha Christie films
Craving: Something more... something different... and coffee, of course.
Learning: that love is vital... loving Him is vital.
Rejoicing: My best friend of 8 years, Abbi Saunier, is getting married. She is my hero(ine).
Trudging: Through the final projects of the semester... one 8 page paper down, two more to go. (not to mention the Creative Writing Portfolio, Irish Lit responses, World Lit responses, Detective fiction final exam &&& the final Creative Writing short story-- which I haven't even started. yaya!)
Enjoying: Color, contrast, SPRINGTIME, and beautiful things.
Trying: To flex my artistic muscles a little.
I'm not normally one for posting icons on my sites, but this one...
I just couldn't resist.

1 comment:
Because God has just the right one for you. And if God has just the right guy for you -why turn the other way.
This is what I'm praying for you. People need friends. Some people need even closer friends. I want that for you. If you will be honest, you want that for you too!
You'll see that I'm right and so with the Mr. ? be right!
I'm really smiling now. My faith is strong and I can expect for God to answer with great and perfect just in time results.
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