In your blood, I found you.
Worn and wasted away.
You spent days and nights against the cold.
You felt as though the sting of abandonment
Had pierced you through.
My love, you know I spoke once to you,
“I make motion of the dead.”
Even in this movement, you turned your face from Me.
You hid your cries as though I am the one Who drove you away.
My love, I never locked the door.
I left a fire burning.
I left the light on for you
And waited up with bated breath.
My love, you are my greatest treasure.
My love for you crashes like ocean waves
And smolders as a fire’s warmth.
My love, I knew all along.
If you had come to me,
I would have broken over you
I would have cleansed your wounds.
The ways in which your heart has broken
The tears that graced your face
I know
I know
I know
And I will redeem them.
I will make them the laughter that lights your face.
I will give them purpose.
I will make them glory to grace your head.
I will make them strength in your hands
And swiftness in your feet.
I will make you whole.
I will make you a light in the darkness
A sharpened sword.
I will make you a force to be reckoned with.
And when you survey your power
You will see your name
Carved into the palm of my hand.
My love, in your blood I found you
And with Mine, I will exalt you.